ramkumar1992sp wrote:... *-* would give location counter minus location counter,so
SRL R6,*-* is equivalent to SRL R6,0.
ramkumar1992sp wrote:...SHIFTCT EQU *-1 would mean current location counter minus 1 byte ,so that would point to *-* in the previous SRL R6,*-* ...
I think you've almost got it, but not quite. hint: *-* in the instruction is 2 bytes: the first 4 bits specify a base register, which is 0 because no base register is specified, and the remaining 12 bits specify a nominal displacement value. The STC instruction is not altering the nominal base register.
ramkumar1992sp wrote:... I'm still thinking about the whole purpose of doing this. ...
Well, for what it's worth, I am too. I thought of starting my comments with, "This makes absolutely no sense to me ..."
Altering the instruction stream, the STC R7,SHIFTCT/SRL R6,*-*/SHIFTCT EQU *-1 was very common in the 704/709/7090/7040 days, but it is considered poor practice these days. HASP for OS/360 used code like STC reg,*+L'*+1/MVC xxx(*-*),xxx to replace the length attribute in the second byte of the instruction quite often. In HASP 4 for OS/VS2 Release 1 most, probably all, of this was replaced with EX reg,yyy/.../yyy MVC xxx(*-*),xxx.
I read through the HASP link you provided. Some of the dates are wrong, but most of the rest is pretty good.
The first shared SPOOL was for HASP for OS/360 at the National Institutes of Health. I never ran it, though there was interest in it where I worked in the early 1970s; it conflicted with some pretty junky HASP changes to support some pretty junky hardware we had installed. People at Mellon Bank produced shared SPOOL for HASP 4 for OS/VS2 Release 1 and still add enhancements. When it was time to go to HASP 4 the powers to be had gotten rid of the junky hardware, so we went directly to HASP 4 with the Mellon shared SPOOL.
NJE has a more complex history than indicated in your link. ASP, at one time, had an NJE like function, and it was terrible. The ASP at each side had to be at exactly the same version and release. As indicated in your link, Triangle Universities in North Carolina had an NJE like network, though I don't know many details.
VM/370, possibly in the CP67 days, had taken the RJE code from HASP and it became the basis for what is still called RSCS. VM/370 was wildly popular within IBM, and a capability to do VM/370 RSCS <-> VM/370 RSCS had been done. They decided to minimize release to release dependencies by transmitting data elements called network job headers and network SYSOUT headers to exchange queuing data that are translated to the actual system/release dependent queuing data at each end. These headers were designed so they could easily be extended. NJE for JES2 just took the RSCS scheme and added some significant extensions so that JES2 could join the IBM VM/370 network. Prior to the internet this was the largest network in the world!
Well, enough of my memories, such as they are. I have to go, so I'll send this off.