what is "home address" record & record 0?

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what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby tina64 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:31 pm

can anybody explain me that what are "home address" record and "record 0"?
i would appreciate if u answer ASAP
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:50 pm

we do not do ASAP,
we reply on our own time and free of charge, in other words... when and if we feel like
putting urgency in a silly question will lower Your benevolence factor and the willingness of people to reply

all about r0 and home address can be found here
http://www.textfiles.com/bitsavers/pdf/ ... geComp.pdf
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby tina64 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:33 pm

ASAP was BCZ of being in the middle of a course teaching..and i really needed that info..
and i think that helping others is not so hard unless u are a selfish...
anyway ..thanks for your help...
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby steve-myers » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:40 am

tina64 wrote:ASAP was BCZ of being in the middle of a course teaching..and i really needed that info..
and i think that helping others is not so hard unless u are a selfish...
anyway ..thanks for your help...
Those of us who contribute here enjoy making these contributions, but we do not like the mind set that some people seem to have that we are here for their pleasure, or that we should replace paid consultants. This has been a particular issue since around the beginning of the year. Some of us are retired, and many of us hold down real jobs that demand much of our time.

It was quite difficult to develop a concise response to your question. When and how are the home address and R0 used? When and how are they added to the track? I did not read all of Enrico's reference, partly because I'm reasonably familiar with the topic, and because some the answers to the second question that may be in the reference are outdated by roughly 3 generations of IBM systems programs. The cover to the reference illustrates the problem. IBM had a surprising variety of direct access devices for System/360, and the cover shows many of these devices. These days it seems there is just the 3390, and even that real device has been replaced by a couple of generations of RAID storage that emulate the 3390.
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:37 am


You got an answe 19 minutes after asking your question, yet you complain.

If you needed the answer quickly at some point in your course, it just means you didn't do your own research early enough. If you start on time, and there is something you don't understand, you explain here and still have your answer on time without giving the impression that the only way you can get through your course is by relying on others.

If you are looking for something else than that, then you'll have to try looking for somewhere else. You'll find help if you are doing things yourself, showing initiative, asking useful questions. If you just need someone to pass you a note under the table with the answer on, it won't happen here.
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:49 am

further information can also be found in the ICKDSF manual GC35-0033-36
I guess that the TS should be able to find it herself
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby steve-myers » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:07 am

BillyBoyo wrote:Tina64, ... If you needed the answer quickly at some point in your course, it just means you didn't do your own research early enough. ...

Billyboyo, at one level, I agree. However, I think many instructors wait until the last minute to do their final preparation, in part because it is not always easy to predict when a particular topic will come up in a course, or sometimes even if the topic will come up. Tina64's group may have moved more quickly than some other groups, so this topic came up.

If Tina64 doesn't abandon this topic, as so often happens, perhaps he or she will enlighten us about the overall subject matter for this group. A suggestion here: this might be a good issue for the class to research rather than be presented with the topic in class.
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:11 pm

I was thinking that if the topic was introduced unexpectedly, the instructor is aware and won't expect instant answers (can still be pleased if someone is reading ahead). If answers were expected, then the work hasn't been done on time. "I'm in class in 10 minutes, I haven't looked at a book/google for a week, let's see what I can get...". Could be, "I've successfully researched 14 topics, now, how'm I going to get that last one before class starts..." I suppose.
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby tina64 » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:46 pm

hey u all people...
have u just think for a min about this that maybe tina64 is a beginner in this field? or maybe she has searched but couldn't find something that can answer her question??
if u can help me, i will appreciate it, but if u can't, just stop saying nonsense and go...
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Re: what is "home address" record & record 0?

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:06 pm


Have you looked at the tilte of this website? Up there, at the top of the page. OK? So we're quite expecting you to be a beginner.

What we are not expecting is to just spoon-feed beginners with answers so that they can get ahead of themselves, "pass" something and then arrive somewhere with no clue about how to operate.

Also, bear in mind that we can imagine whatever we like. The more information you give us, the less we have to imagine and the better answer you can get.

If we imagine (from what you write) that you have done nothing, and expect someonelse to do something for you, quickly, then you won't have to imagine the sort of answers you get.

When you have your own board, then you can telll people what to do. Until then, you have to put up with the answers you deserve from the information you give and the way you behave.
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