I am trying to uplaod multiple mainframe files to a server using the proc P2CUCPY where in the SYSIN member I am using UCOPY command to uplaod the file to the server so that it will be downloaded in the TEXT format in the destination.
For each file I want to upload to the server using UCOPY, I need to use seperate step and uplaod. This is however working fine LIKE
-CMD 'UCOPY > G:\DATA\CDIC\FID\XXXX2011111501240509993100012.TXT' - IN 1 STEP
-CMD 'UCOPY > G:\DATA\CDIC\FID\AAAA2011111501240509993100012.TXT' - IN 2ND STEP
But in 1 step, when I try to UCOPY many files to the server only the last file is getting uplaoded to the server. Please, let me know if it is possible to uplaod many files in 1 step like:
-CMD 'UCOPY > G:\DATA\CDIC\FID\XXXX2011111501240509993100012.TXT'
-CMD 'UCOPY > G:\DATA\CDIC\FID\AAAA2011111501240509993100012.TXT'