CLIST or REXX for cursor browsing

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CLIST or REXX for cursor browsing

Postby pkb405 » Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:38 am

I have seen a CLIST/REXX for cursor browsing.
Here is the detail requirement.
Suppose there are different libraries to access PROCCLIB, COPYLIB, CONTROLIB, COBOL LIBRAIES ETC AS FOLLOWS.
prod.proclib, prod.copylib, prod.cntrlib, prod.cobol etc.
Let us say in a JCL statement we have //sysin dd dsn=prod.cntrlib(hr03dxab).
Now if cursor is positioned on hr03dxab and hit enter, I will see prod.cntrlib(hr03dxab) will open - displayed on screen.
Similar cursor browsing can also be done for other libraries as well.
In the background a CLIST runs and browse the member under which cursor is positioned. Basically it searches the concatenated libraries listed in the clist.
Another version of this requires me to write csr br at the command line place the cursor on the intended member and hit enter to open the member in ISPF.
Does anyone know about such CLIST.

I would highly appreciate if anyone can help me in this,any of the two versioned explained above

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Re: CLIST or REXX for cursor browsing

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:10 am


Apologies in advance if this reply has technical difficulties - saw your post and thought i'd continue testing the new forum with a reply to your post ;)

When you say
Let us say in a JCL statement we have //sysin dd dsn=prod.cntrlib(hr03dxab).
Now if cursor is positioned on hr03dxab and hit enter, I will see prod.cntrlib(hr03dxab
how are you accessing this JCL? Where are you in the system that you might have cursor control?

Where did you see the process that you refer to "I have seen a CLIST/REXX for cursor browsing."?

Without knowing more, i'd guess you want to write your own code that interacts with the terminal and when the cursor position is over "something you might edit/browse", you would invoke the editor and return to youjr code when the editor was exited.
Hope this helps,
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