by steve-myers » Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:14 am
The DCB attributes suggest it is a text file. As others have mentioned, transferring non-text (e.g., binary or packed decimal) data as a text file is very chancy, and transferring data with z/OS variable length records as binary data is also very difficult.
I can remember trying to download a text data set with RECFM=FBM years ago - this was before FTP or the 3270 data transfer function. It seemed the carriage control characters, binary data, changed based on the transfer method I used. I eventually got disgusted and wrote a program to remove the carriage control characters and insert the correct number of empty lines, or an EBCDIC form feed character for a new page, which consistently downloads as an ASCII form feed character. I still use this program! I load the transferred file into a decent word processor; Word Perfect seems to work best, and M$ Word and Open Office both work well if I want to print the file. I use Windoze Notepad just to display the file.