Adabas response 21

Software AG's high-performance Real-time data base management system for mainframe

Adabas response 21

Postby maandi » Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:34 pm

Hi All,

I am getting adabas response code 21 while accessing adabas through L1 command with N (command option 2).

Actually the flow goes like this. I performed an S1 command to retrieve the list of ISNs and with buffer length 12 which can accommodate 3 ISNs. I performed an L1 command till 3 rd ISN and it went fine. I just included one more logic, which is If my ISN count exceeds 3 then i performed L1 with N to get next record from adabas work data.

But it came out with response code saying command id is invalid which is response 21. I passed my command id as L1 or L1X, But i can't understand why did it gave error? I tried with various combinations of command IDs but it didn't work.

Could anyone explain how this error happened.

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Re: Adabas response 21

Postby RGZbrog » Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:46 pm

It sounds like the command ID of the L1 does not match the command ID of the S1, which it must.
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Re: Adabas response 21

Postby maandi » Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:29 pm


Thanks for replying.
You are right. the command ID is not same for S1 and L1 command and hence it came out with error.
Now i correct that command IDs.

Thanks with Regards,
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