S0C7 on a field defined as PIC 9(05) COMP-3

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S0C7 on a field defined as PIC 9(05) COMP-3

Postby pmerc8888 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:52 pm


I wonder if someone can help me on an abend I'm trying to resolve. Please bear with me as this is a bit long-winded. Kindly note that I modified fieldnames and paragraphs names a bit.

According to the Synopsis in Fault Analyzer, the abend is happening on the following statement:

IF subcript4 > 1

This statement may be found in paragraph 8454-para. The field, subcript4 is defined as a PIC 9(05) COMP-3.

However, the Synopsis in Fault Analyzer also indicates that the "Cause of error" is the field subcript8 having a value of X'F1F2F4'. Kindly note that subcript8 is also defined as a PIC 9(05) COMP-3.

The thing is, subcript8 is not at all referenced in 8454-para. It is referenced in 8458-para.

Moreover, the last entry in the TRACE show 8458-para.

It's my understanding that a S0C7 is caused by a data mismatch... usually, when a non-numeric field is MOVEd to a numeric field. The thing is, all the fields in 8458-para are numeric.

I hope you can help.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: S0C7 on a field defined as PIC 9(05) COMP-3

Postby dick scherrer » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:54 pm


This "X'F1F2F4'" is an invalid comp-3 value. It is 124 but it is not in packed decimal format.

Please post the part of the working-storage where the subscript fields are defined including the group level they are part of.
Hope this helps,
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Re: S0C7 on a field defined as PIC 9(05) COMP-3

Postby pmerc8888 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:54 pm

Greetings Dick! Once again, thank you kindly for the reply.

Following are the fields associated with the one I earlier referred to as subcript4 and subcript8, respectively. I changed the names a bit. Hope that's ok.

01  T4-TABLE.                                                   
    03  T4-TBL-MAX                   PIC 9(05) COMP-3 VALUE 100.
    03  T4-TBL-OCCURS                PIC 9(05) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.
    03  T4-ENTRIES.                                             
      05  WS-4-ENTRY OCCURS 100 TIMES.                           
        10  WS-4-FIELD1                 PIC X(37).               
        10  WS-4-FIELD2.                                         
            12  WS-4-FIELD3             PIC X(02).               
            12  WS-4-FIELD4             PIC X(02).               
            12  WS-4-FIELD5             PIC 9(05).               
            12  WS-4-FIELD6             PIC X(05).               
        10  WS-4-FIELD7                 PIC X(94).       

01  T8-TABLE.                                                   
    03  T8-TBL-MAX                   PIC 9(05) COMP-3 VALUE 100.
    03  T8-TBL-OCCURS                PIC 9(05) COMP-3 VALUE ZERO.
    03  T8-ENTRIES.                                             
      05  WS-8-ENTRY OCCURS 100 TIMES.                           
        10  WS-8-FIELD1                 PIC X(37).               
        10  WS-8-FIELD2.                                         
            12  WS-8-FIELD3             PIC X(02).               
            12  WS-8-FIELD4             PIC X(02).               
            12  WS-8-FIELD5             PIC 9(05).               
            12  WS-8-FIELD6             PIC X(05).               
        10  WS-8-FIELD7                 PIC X(94).               

And in case you'd wonder, T4-TBL-MAX and T8-TBL-MAX are not referenced anywhere in the program.

Thanks so much for your time.

Kind regards,
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Re: S0C7 on a field defined as PIC 9(05) COMP-3

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:15 am


Thanks for posting the arrays.
Please post the part of the working-storage where the subscript fields are defined including the group level they are part of.
I still also need to see these definitions - the definitions of the part(s) of working storage for the actual subscripts.
Hope this helps,
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