I wonder if someone can help me on an abend I'm trying to resolve. Please bear with me as this is a bit long-winded. Kindly note that I modified fieldnames and paragraphs names a bit.
According to the Synopsis in Fault Analyzer, the abend is happening on the following statement:
IF subcript4 > 1
This statement may be found in paragraph 8454-para. The field, subcript4 is defined as a PIC 9(05) COMP-3.
However, the Synopsis in Fault Analyzer also indicates that the "Cause of error" is the field subcript8 having a value of X'F1F2F4'. Kindly note that subcript8 is also defined as a PIC 9(05) COMP-3.
The thing is, subcript8 is not at all referenced in 8454-para. It is referenced in 8458-para.
Moreover, the last entry in the TRACE show 8458-para.
It's my understanding that a S0C7 is caused by a data mismatch... usually, when a non-numeric field is MOVEd to a numeric field. The thing is, all the fields in 8458-para are numeric.
I hope you can help.
Thanks for your time.