I am getting below error in my Job.
Below is the ABNLTERM.
An ABEND macro was issued with an abend code of 001C77 which is greater
than the maximum of 4095 for a user abend. This abend code contains
both user and system abend codes. Abend-AID diagnosis is for the system
portion of this abend (001) not the user portion (3191 ).
An S001 abend occurred during execution of program VCSABEND.
* Analysis of Error *
Possible causes:
Wrong length record
POINT issued with an invalid TTR
I/O error on the channel or device caused by a parity check or bad data
A B E N D - A I D PAGE 2
Write attempted to SYSIN data set.
Physical damage to the recording surface
Incorrect switch setting on the device (e.g. "READ ONLY")
A power fluctuation
For a BDAM file, record not found, out of DASD space, invalid I/O
request, or uncorrectable I/O error
Write attempted to data set (DCB) opened for input
Read attempted to data set (DCB) opened for output
Insufficient space detected during file CLOSE
Additional information may be found in messages and codes under message
The IBM message that corresponds to the condition is:
CEE3250C The system or user abend S001 R=00000000 was issued.
I have not seen such error... Please advise