hex code of abend 837-08

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Re: hex code of abend 837-08

Postby steve-myers » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:35 pm

utpalpal07 wrote:Hi steve

Thanks for the info. I investigate the prog i was getting 837-08 abend. but i need a hex code for the abend to detect using assembler prog.
But thanks guys for help.

This makes absolutely no sense in English. 837 and 08 are both hex codes. If you really mean you need to locate the program that was executing when it got the ABEND, you probably need a full system dump and a linkage editor map of the load module. Even then it will be difficult as the actual location of the ABEND is in some end of volume module or in the z/OS nucleus, not in your program. The location of the SVC X'37' instruction will be in a I/O module loaded by OPEN, not in your program.

Even your assumption it was an Assembler program that got the error is true only in the sense a library module linked with your program that performed the Assembler read or write is an Assembler program. but the real culprit is the program that called the library module

Message IEC028I, which accompanied the S837 ABEND has information about the DD name and dataset name of the dataset being used at the time of the 837 ABEND; this will be of more use in locating the program that got the error than the dump analysis.

I went back to your initial post. After rereading it, I'm not sure you got an 837 ABEND. I think you got either a B37 or E37 ABEND. Both are space errors; the difference between them is subtle and even after 44 years I never understood the difference between them. Both ABENDs produce an IECnnnI message with additional information which will almost certainly be of more use than dump analysis.
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Re: hex code of abend 837-08

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:13 am

but even if the abend was 837-08 the manual is clear enough

The volume whose serial number is ser was not found in the JFCB and no address was found for the JFCB extension in the SWA. Specify more volume serial numbers, or a larger volume count in the VOL parameter of the DD statement. See z/OS MVS JCL User's Guide for a description of the rules for coding volume count.
This situation can also occur if an OPEN TYPE=J macro is used to open the data set after the volume serial number is changed and the JFCB is not updated in the SWA because bit 4 of the JFCBTSDM field of the JFCB is set to one.

no reason to ask if the manual had been read
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so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: hex code of abend 837-08

Postby dick scherrer » Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:22 am


I investigate the prog i was getting 837-08 abend. but i need a hex code for the abend to detect using assembler prog.
If you still are looking for something additional, and you explain "what this is" (and do not mention a "hex code" - find some other way to say this), someone may have a thought that can help.

We really do not know where you might be stuck.

Which program is causing the 837-08? Online/batch? User/vendor written? Assembler/COBOL/other?
Hope this helps,
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Re: hex code of abend 837-08

Postby pmartyn » Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:47 pm

It sounds like you are getting plenty of help with your space issue. However, There is a product out there that Systems Administration uses. It is called StopX37. It is applied in the user exit in the operating system to dynamically allocate space to prevent the midnight abends and let you take care of it when you come in the next morning.
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