Combining multiple records

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Combining multiple records

Postby Don_W » Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:21 am

I'm trying to figure out a way with Syncsort to combine some data from multiple records. I've searched and I can find some solutions, but I can't find one that will seem to work with my situation.

The input file looks like this:

NAME2222  #######  NEXT_FILE.TXT
NAME3333  #######  THIRD_FILE_NAME_

And I need the output file to look like this.


The filename field in this file can continue on several lines and this where I have the issues. The first 8 character name column can repeat many times and is not unique and neither are the files names so there is no unique key. I was hoping to do what I need with a quick and dirty sort rather than having to write a program.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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Re: Combining multiple records

Postby Thampy » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:29 pm

I have tested the syncsort jcl with the assumption that the maximum number of combined records is 5. If you want more than 5, then code IFTHEN conditions accordingly.

//STEP010   EXEC PGM=SORT                                         
//SYSOUT    DD   SYSOUT=*                                         
//SORTOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                                         
//SORTIN     DD *                                                 
NAME1111  #######  FILENAME.GOES.HE                               
NAME2222  #######  NEXT_FILE.TXT                                   
NAME2222  #######  ANOTHER_FILE_YET                               
NAME3333  #######  THIRD_FILE_NAME_                               
//SYSIN     DD   *                                                 
  SORT FIELDS=(1,8,CH,A)                                               
  SUM FIELDS=(11,8,19,8,27,8,35,8,43,8,51,8,59,8,67,8,75,8,             
  OUTREC FINDREP=(IN=X'00',OUT=X'40')                                   
  OUTFIL BUILD=(1,100)                                                 
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Re: Combining multiple records

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:17 am

For up to five elements to the file-name:

Firstly, extends the record to 119 bytes, filling the new bytes with blanks.

A group with an ID (up to 99 groups will work, make your length one more than can possibly be needed) and a sequence number (here code deals with one to five in a group).

For a group of five records, starting with the first record, copy the reference to part of the record we don't need, and copy the text to a new position to be appended to.

For a group of four records, starting with the second record, copy the reference to part of the record we don't need, and copy the text to a new position to be appended to.

Continue like that through to and including the fourth record.

For the fifth record, append the data.

For each group of records defined by sequence, the first record of the next group will be clobbered, so clear all but the first part of the new file-name to space.

Use OUTFIL reporting features to output the last record of the group.

Adjust for the maximum number of records you need, and for the maximum number of different groups (keys can be the same, contiguous or not, no problem).

//SYSIN    DD *
               BEGIN=(1,1,CH,NE,C' '),
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Re: Combining multiple records

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:23 am


If the data does not require SORTing, I always suggest not SORTing it. You could include an IFOUTLEN in the INREC to cut down the size of the record, rather than SORTing the 400+ bytes anyway, and you'd not need the OUTFIL.

If you want to remove the SORT, you should be able to use the same type of solution with TOT/TOTAL on TRAILER3 within SECTIONS in OUTFIL using reporting features. Except for...

What's the FINDREP for?
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Re: Combining multiple records

Postby Thampy » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:05 pm

Thanks for the better solution. In my solution, I am filling the positions with binary zeros and then move the records in the group into these binary fields. If the number of records in the group is less than 5, then those associated fields will have binary zeros value. So I am using a FINDREP to replace binary zeros with spaces.
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Re: Combining multiple records

Postby BillyBoyo » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:36 pm

OK. I'd limit the FINDREP to only the fields in question. I can't think that the binary zeros can be changed after the TOT/TOTAL, else yours with the OUTFIL would be more efficient than the multiple GROUPs in mine.
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