DFSORT's OUTFIL reporting features use RECFM=xxA (e.g. FBA or VBA) and ANSI carriage control characters in position 1 (e.g. '1' for page eject). REMOVECC tells DFSORT to use RECFM=xx (FB or VB) and remove the ANSI carriage control characters.
If you're not familiar with DFSORT and DFSORT's ICETOOL, I'd suggest reading through "z/OS DFSORT: Getting Started". It's an excellent tutorial, with lots of examples, that will show you how to use DFSORT, DFSORT's ICETOOL and DFSORT Symbols. You can access it online, along with all of the other DFSORT books, from:
http://www.ibm.com/servers/storage/supp ... tmpub.html